readbud - get paid to read and rate articles

Check for available Articles, then read and rate them to earn:
You should frequently - at least daily, check articles available for your attention. This is how you can earn money using the readbud service. To check the articles we have delivered to you, simply click on the "Articles" tab situated on the header or click here and the article invitations for available articles will start streaming in

It is simple. Advertisers want you to watch commercials and other advertisements. They pay for that today whenever you watch television, listen to the radio, read a newspaper, see a billboard, or any of dozens of other methods. These traditional advertising methods are not nearly as effective as they once were. TV's now have DVR's which allow people to fast forward over commercials. Radios have been replaced with MP3 players. Newspapers have been replaced with the Internet.

Varolo gives you the opportunity to watch commercials and ads and you get compensated. The first method of compensation is through the Varolo Jackpot. Each ad you watch enters you to win the weekly jackpot. The size of the jackpot changes based on the number of active Varolo users and the number of ads they watch weekly. The more people and ads watched, the larger the jackpot is! The second method of compensation is through the Varolo Village. The Varolo Village is simply you, and your friends you have invited to use Varolo for up to 4 degrees of separation. In other words, your village includes all the people you invite (one degree of separation), all the people they invite (two degrees of separation), all the people they invite (3 degrees of separation), and all the people they invite (4 degrees of separation). Your village earns money for you that you can claim by watching advertisements yourself. As you can see, participation is required to earn money. You receive a percentage of the revenue from the ads watched by your entire village. You can invite as many people as you want and you can get paid on a regular basis. Use the online calculator to see how much money you can make through the Varolo village.